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University of Michigan uses PAC’s Herzog CID 510 for Engine Simulations

PAC’ s Herzog Cetane Ignition Delay 510 (CID 510) was used

in a research project at the University of Michigan Walter E. Lay Auto Lab, led by Professor Andre Boehman. Professor Boehman’s federally funded study is intended to support de velopment of high efficiency (55% brake thermal efficiency) diesel engines for Class 8 trucks (“supertrucks”). The work combined numerical simulation and in situ photography of combustion in the CID 510 to explore the response of differ ent fuel blends to compression ignition.

The Michigan team has a strong interest in high speed pho tography and chemiluminescence in combustion engines. Boehman then explains, “We can also detect different wavelengths of light in the chamber to see natural chemical luminescence. We do this under conventional combustion conditions with air, and now also nitrogen, oxygen, and car bon dioxide for dilute combustion.”

Professor Boehman explains that his team chose the Cetane Ignition Delay 510 for its powerful user interface. The CID 510 measures different testing conditions. It is easy for the user to change injection time, injection pressure, chamber

pressure, and temperature all on the

intuitive touch-screen. He goes on to explain, “The CID 510 is just a step away from a live engine because it is using a modern electronically con trolled high-pressure injection system. We found the CID’s

Natural chemiluminescence detection within the CID 510 during autoignition of n-heptane.

results trended better with the Cetane Number measured by the traditional Cetane Rating Engine and has a higher data throughput than a flow reactor or shocktube. The CID is the

perfect instrument for detailed comparisons between simula tion and experiments, especially since we can look inside the Constant Volume Combustion Chamber (CVCC).”

Another advantage of using the CID 510 in their research is that the fluid mechanics and air exchange process is much simpler. One of Professor Boehman’s students is studying the structure of spray model and ignition delays by running spray and ignition process experiments on the analyser, whil

e anoth er student working with Professor Daniel Haworth (Penn State University) is performing detailed numerical simulations of the spray and the ignition process. Boehman explains, “The structure of the CID 510 provides well controlled experiments that simulate the processes within a real engine.”


Cetane Ignition Delay 510 provides

for higher accuracy of Derived

Cetane Number (DCN) for diesel


It’s fully automated de

sign offers one button operation

for simpler, easier

use when calibrating

the instrument, or

when running a test

sample. The CID 510

is equipped with a

high-pressure injector

for better combustion.

This analyzer produces a much finer sample

droplet size than oth

er CVCC instruments.

Due to the nearly per

fect combustion of the

CID 510, there is no

soot formation in the

chamber; thus leading

to minimal or no cleaning of the

instrument necessary.


The Walter E. Lay Auto Lab has been a key component of UM’s rich history of educational and research activities in automotive

engineering. The University’s proximity to the heart of the nation’s auto indus

try in Detroit has

made Automotive

Engineering a natural

focus for the Depart

ment of Mechanical

Engineering. Re

search interests have

included most areas

of automotive engineering, from early studies on streamlining and engine heat balance to pivotal investigations on fuel ef ficiency and emissions. The Auto Lab houses a wide variety of engine and powertrain research facilities, including optically accessible engines and combus tion experiments (like the CID 510), and test cells for battery performance, transient engine controls, fuels and emissions control research.

The focus of the MTC will allow researchers to test emerging concepts in connected and auto mated vehicles in both off-road and on-road settings.

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