Introducing the SEAL BOD Analyzer!
SEAL Analytical has broadened its expertise in instrumentation to yet another section of your wet chemistry lab: automating Biochemical Oxygen Demand testing (also known as Biological Oxygen Demand)! With the acquisition of Rohasys Laboratory Robotics, a company that has been manufacturing laboratory robotics in the Netherlands for over 25 years, SEAL is excited to extend their new product range to the US and Global Markets!
From an entry level system that simply automates the DO read, to a fully automated BOD robot, the SEAL BOD Analyzer can be customized to fit any lab’s needs.
Equipped with state of the art chemiluminescent optical DO probes, the BOD Analyzer is sure to increase throughput and productivity by minimizing stabilization times during DO reads. A robust framework combined with intelligent motor programing ensures that alignment issues are a thing of the past, and eliminates the worry of damaging the probes or bottles.
Automated BOD Options:
Addition of Seed and/or Nitrification Inhibitor Addition of Dilution Water
Automated bottle capping/de-capping pH measurement and adjustment
Sample pipetting, including pre-dilutions and barcode reading
Sample aeration and/or homogenization
The SEAL BOD Analyzer is controlled by our BOD Software. This innovative program offers an incredible amount of customization to fit any lab’s requirements. SEAL knows that BOD regulations can vary from region to region, so our BOD Software allows for total control over every parameter to ensure your results are calculated accordingly. Analysts can organize the run table to display exactly what they need to see, and then set that as a template for easy access on future runs. User-defined method parameters can be saved for immediate setup of routine operations. With customizable import and export files, SEAL BOD Software even allows for simplified LIMS integration for streamlined data management.
From the compact BOD Analyzer with a 36 bottle capacity to systems several meters long, capable of analyzing hundreds of samples in a single run, the BOD Analyzer can be tailored to maximize capacity while still considering available bench space. Let SEAL Analytical draw up a customized BOD Analyzer proposal for you today. It could be just what you’ve been looking for!